Videos 52

Videos 52

These pages contain many videos that show the truth.

An oldie, but still funny


Quarantine Camp Regulation Reinstated by Appeals Court in New York


Here is the man who was just elected President of Argentina, Javier Milei detailing his plans for the government.


Where Are The Stars?


Is that a robot or something?

Detoxing Graphene Oxide From the Covid Injections


Arts and crafts time


Trudeau Getting Fake Boosted. Injection on one arm, wipe on the other. If he was really vaccinated he would have died suddenly by now.


The Jewish people know their own government attacked them to justify war in the Gaza Strip. A leaked video from the Israeli Air Force shows that it was the Israeli Apache helicopters that bombed its citizens during the “Delirium” festival on October 7, not Hamas.

As UN Troops Rape Children With Impunity, It Has No Moral Authority: UN Investigator