Voting For A Master Is Admitting To Being A Slave

Will Hell Arrive Two Weeks From Today on November 5th?
Gary D. Barnett |
…above all, remember that he who solicits your vote is by that very fact revealed as a scoundrel, since in exchange for your advantage and fortune he promises a cornucopia of marvels he’ll never deliver because he hasn’t the power to deliver them. The man you ‘elect’ represents neither your misery nor your aspirations – nor anything else of yours – but rather his own interests, which are all opposed to yours … do not imagine that the sorry spectacle at which you assist today is peculiar to one epoch or one regime, and that it will pass away. All epochs and all regimes are worth the same – that is, they are worthless. So go home, my good chap, and go on strike against universal suffrage. I tell you, you’ve nothing to lose … and at least it should keep you amused for a while. I tell you, good chap! Go home! Go on strike!”
~ Octave Mirbeau
After continuous banter from the so-called alternative media, eluding to the idiotic notion that many are ‘waking up,’ and are fed up with this corrupt and evil system that is the entirety of the political process in this country, I am anxious to see how many vote in this upcoming scam called an ‘election.’ My prediction is that more will ‘vote’ than ever before, and if this happens, maybe, just maybe, the trolls in the alternative media will cease all talk of how the useless imbeciles who vote to have a master and king lord over them, are awake. If voting is thought to be awake, then I would rather sleep.
While republicans, democrats, libertarians, and that group who calls itself independents, are all frothing at the mouth in anticipation as to which evil slime to put in charge of their lives, those of us who actually understand that voting for a master is nothing more than admitting openly to being a slave, will be getting prepared for even more totalitarian terror at the hands of tyrants. I have run out of clean derogatory language to describe those vying for the ‘top’ political spot, other than that all of them; Trump, Vance, Harris, and Walz, (and the rest of the politicians) are literal evil pieces of shit. That is the only standard that holds up when speaking of those who choose to rule over others.
As I have eluded to in the past, hell is coming, and death is coming with it. No one knows for certain exactly what will happen once this ‘election’ is complete, if it ever is, but nothing good will result from yet another ludicrous ‘choosing’ (not really) of the next perverted and psychotic group of sleazebags who will take up residence in what is referred to as the White House. I would warn however, that civil unrest among the proletariat class is not only likely, but probable. In fact, I believe that is exactly what is sought by the State. I hate to use the word passion in this manner, because that is an oxymoronic and contradictory depiction of something that should be desirable, but in the case of the political circus, all so-called ‘passion’ by the herd is simply gross stupidity exemplified.
Let’s see, there is a staged war in Ukraine and Russia, all set up purposely. There is the most detestable and immoral genocide at the hands of the evil Zionists in Israel against most all in the Middle East. This carnage and slaughter of innocent men, women, and children by Israel is fully supported by the U.S., including both sides of the political spectrum. Regardless of who gets selected to hold office, this heinous holocaust will continue to be supported, and in the process, possibly cause turmoil and war to spread out of control in that region and beyond, something near and dear to the murderous state of Israel, and its desire to greatly expand its territory. This is meant to escalate so that Iran is involved, which could also bring extreme tension with Russia and possibly China, causing a snowball effect of worldwide instability. I hesitate to use the term World War III, because if it gets to that level, I do not think it will be like any conventional war, but just a war against all people in every country, by their own governments. This would be the linchpin of total globalization.
In addition, other dire risks are coming from every direction, including but not limited to; continued weather manipulation and destruction, the likely unveiling of another pandemic scam meant to corral populations in a time of great stress, further poisoning of the atmosphere and environment by stratospheric aerosol injection, cyberattack false flags that will allow the State to shut off internet access and utility delivery, financial upheaval, economic failure, currency devaluation and confiscation, land and natural resource theft by this Fascist State, food shortages, and continued monstrous inflation, just to isolate a few of the most dangerous threats facing us. There are many other possible threats mind you, as this country and world head into absolute chaotic madness.

To add even more fuel to the fire of us conspiracy realists, there was a very recent update re-issued on September 27th, 2024, to the Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5240.01.
Simply stated, the new provisions in this update are staggeringly dangerous, and just in time for this very contentious so-called election. It now includes provisions authorizing lethal force by the U.S. military when assisting civilian law enforcement. Yes, you read that correctly, as the military can now ‘legally’ use lethal force, (murder) against American citizens for domestic (all) civilian enforcement agencies, including local police. Given the risk of civil unrest today, especially after this upcoming ‘election,’ this is extremely telling. Provisions include:
- New provisions: The updated directive expands the circumstances under which the DoD can assist law enforcement, including the use of lethal force.
- Assassination explicitly forbidden: While assassination is banned, the new language allows for lethal actions under “imminent threats.”
- Concerns about civil liberties: The expanded definition of “national security threats” is raising alarms, particularly given DHS’s broader definition of domestic terrorism threats.
- High-level approval required: Any intelligence-sharing that could lead to lethal force must be approved by the Secretary of Defense, but Component Heads can act immediately for up to 72 hours before obtaining approval.
With these added powers, the military will be authorized to kill Americans deemed a threat based on the broad-based definition of “imminent threats” concerning the loose definition of domestic terrorism. This sounds like a case for the State to declare martial law, knowing that it can call out the military for an armed assault against this population.
Paragraph 3.1: Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a state or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger, in response to a request for such assistance, in accordance with and approval by the Secretary of Defense.
This is insane, and should shake the stupidity out of the minds of most who reside in this country. I do not expect that until it is too late, but this did not just occur by accident or coincidence, and the timing is no fluke. This has been planned all along. Everything that happens in government, happens for a reason, and is always long-plotted. That should give all of you great pause.
“As long as there exist stupid people supporting stupid governments in their countries, people living in those countries will continue fluttering badly in the cesspool created by this utter foolishness!” ~ Mehmet Murat ildan
Reference link:
DoD Directive 5240.01: The Stealth Expansion of Military Intelligence Powers
Original Article:

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