War Is A Lie

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com
Each actor politician liar takes the stage, committing their people to violent war against another people without consulting their people at all. So it's not really the people of these countries that are wanting war, it's the politicians.
In addition these politicians are actually working together; for the same masters, with the same goals, despite their public claims of the opposite.
This is the reality of war, a lie.
War is a racket. A scam to murder the worlds young, to depopulate, and to rob humanity of its production output.
And all wars are banker wars. This is where the politicians work together behind the scenes. They are all ruled by central bankers who fund both sides of the war. The bankers make money from the destruction process of war and from the re-construction contracts to clean up the mess they made.
This is what war is actually about. Which is obviously not what is sold to the masses. The masses are tricked into fighting for patriotic and humanitarian reasons. These mental constructs are for the slaves. The masters who wage wars do not abide by these principals at all. Far from it.
This exact scenario is being played out again to trick the world into WWIII: A global depopulation meat grinder with added threat of nuclear war sauce on top.
They all want WWIII to further depopulate, and to cover up vaccine genocide. They cant stop now, they are too far in. The vaccine genocide has happened and they need to cover it up quick. The best way for them to do this is to send us all of to war to kill each other before the world turns on them.
Tick tock, tick tock. Their time is running out. So they are all getting to the next stage in the war positioning. Full on WWIII.
UK, NATO and Putin have played their roles, all stating its full on war if missiles go deep into Russia, Biden expected to follow suit soon, pressured by the UK and Canada. Enter stage left, Trudeau from Canada playing his part. Stating that Canada supports long range missile attacks into Russia.
Listen to the end
Canada, did you know that Castro-Trudeau is declaring direct war against nuclear Russia? Did anyone in Canada agree to this? Of course war was declared well before this, when Trudeau sent money and arms to Ukraine to fight Russia.
In Canada, most are completely oblivious of what is going on. They push support Ukraine at the local supermarket, and that about as far as most Canadians understand the war.
Trudeau is committing unaware Canadians to direct war striking the cities in nuclear armed Russia. I bet they don't tell you that at the grocery store line up when they ask for a toonie to support Ukraine.
Armed with the truth about war, do not comply, do not consent. Instead expose and arrest all war mongers.
Canadian armed forces and police, start with Trudeau, the evidence of his war mongering is in the video above.
Image Source: Yandex Search

Perpetual War Truth11 Films 5th short film: We have been tricked into fighting perpetual wars of mass genocide for pointless profit. There is no enemy. The enemy is within the US government. All exterior enemies are created to justify the advancing military industrial complex. Film Released 2011
Drones Truth11’s 8th short film discusses the purpose of the drone program and the actions of the US Government. Obamas drone program is CIA murder of innocent people and drones must be abolished. Film Released 2012

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