We Are Bringing Back The $1 Subscription Level By Request

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com
Truth Warrior subscribers of Truth11.com can choose their subscription amount per month. All levels have the same access. It is just a matter of how much per month you would like to support our work with and help us cover costs. We greatly appreciate your support Truth Warrior subscribers!
Earlier this year we removed the $1 level for new subscribers. We have had several requests from Truth Warriors wanting to sign up to re instate it, so we are. You can now choose $1, $3 or $11. per month again.
Subscribers can change your subscription amount anytime.
To become a Truth Warrior Subscriber:

Support Truth11.com With A $1, $3 or $11 Monthly Subscription
Thank you for supporting independent media. Your subscription is directly helping us cover costs to keep Truth11.com going! Thank you Truth Warriors!
To change your subscription level:
For those who have signed up at the $3 level that would have preferred to sign up for $1, you can change to the $1 per month.
- Sign in

You will receive an email link to sign in. It usually goes to your junk mail so check there.
- On Truth11.com the button changes to Account once signed in instead of Subscribe

- Select Change

- Then choose the level you would like.

Truth11.com is designed to be free from all advertising, product pushes, personal bios and other forms of distraction. We do this to provide a clear, concise environment to present the truth to you. We are an independent news site that makes no revenue from any sources except from support of our loyal readers.
When you support independent media sites such as Truth11.com and your favourite independent journalists you are helping an industry survive and grow, and are directly helping people who work for you to bring you the truth.
True journalism reports the truth. Today the only way to report the truth is to work independently from mainstream media.
We appreciate your help to cover costs and to support our work.
Thank you truth warriors!
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