Zionist Israel An Evil Genocidal Terrorist State + Those That Support The Genocide | Including Trump

Gary D. Barnett | GaryDBarnett.substack.com
"We (Israel) must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting off of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." ~ The secret Koenig Report, later published in 1976
What the hell is wrong with anyone or any 'government' who supports Zionist Israeli terrorism aimed at innocent civilians? Support of these Zionists is full support for genocide and ethnic cleansing, and therefore those supporters are also guilty of promoting and allowing genocide. That comprises most every politician in this country, and includes, and especially so, Trump, Vance, Harris, Walz, and Biden. Both the republican and democratic parties support Israel's slaughter of Arabs, a massacre that is nothing less than a genocidal holocaust. Israel claims victimhood continuously, which is total hypocrisy, and this is a complete inversion of the truth.
Remember, Zionism is not Judaism, it is not a religion, it is an immoral murdering State. While many Jews, maybe most, do support the Zionist State and its practices, many others do not. But any who allow this immoral genocidal behavior without speaking out are complicit, and should be condemned.
As George Carlin once said: "Israeli murderers are called "commandos," Arab commandos are called "terrorists." Israel is committing heinous murder of innocents, and doing so completely in the open, with U.S. backing, monetary support, advanced weaponry, and comprehensive favorable media 'coverage.' (propaganda) As I mentioned, the White House and all those running for presidential office are owned; bought and paid for by Israeli interests. Trump has said over and over again that Israel should have control over Congress, and is taking $100 million from Miriam Adelson, to do the bidding of the Zionists. At this point, Trump is a Zionist possession.
Please keep in mind that Israel occupies Palestine, parts of Lebanon, and has settlements due to violent land grabs in Syria, and Jordon. In effect, Israel has committed war crimes against all of these countries, and continues to do so. Of course many more have been targeted as well, including several likely terrorist attacks and operations against the U.S. and U.S. interests, all with the blessing of this heinous government that so many of you worship as 'god.' It is now brutally obvious, and has been for many years, that Zionist interests have major control over this country. No matter who gains the status of president in the pre-determined selection process, Israel will be taken care of at the expense of American taxpayers, and its murderous genocide and ethnic cleansing will be endorsed and covered up when necessary by the U.S. Government.
When you cast your vote in November for your pretend lesser of evils, you will have effectively voted to applaud and condone terrorism, genocide, and ethnic cleansing, and therefore will be responsible for the displacement, starvation, maiming, and slaughter of innocent men, women, and children. Think about that when you pull the lever to choose your master, who will certainly be owned by the Zionist Israeli State. Let me make this crystal clear so that there is no misunderstanding. Anyone who supports this government, regardless of which piece of shit is in the White House, are responsible for the slaughter and murder of innocent people at the hands of the evil Zionist monsters, as the U.S. is condoning, arming, supporting with billions of your dollars, and directly involved in this genocide.
It seems by all accounts, that this recent abominable terror plot against the people in Lebanon, was planned months in advance, so any talk of this being defensive is asinine. Every single word coming from the Israeli government and its murderer-in-chief, the wicked psychopath Netanyahu, is a lie. The Israeli government, Mossad, and the IDF are sick, perverted, psychotic killers, who have no conscience whatsoever, which is why they promote and carry out acts of terror and genocide against all, including little children, without batting an eye. They even brag and make fun of this game of murder.
Of course, Israel is still slaughtering Palestinians, but is now going after innocents in Lebanon and Syria, and the carnage will continue to spread as long as they are allowed, with the assistance of the West, to continue being supported.
This world is now a hell on earth. The things going on should be unimaginable, and never allowed to take place. But it continues, and gets worse, every single day, and the herds of commoners stand by with their hands in their pockets fumbling for their phone and games. It makes one ashamed to be a human.
When will your phone become a weapon? When will you, your family, and your neighbors be subject to a cyber terror attack brought about by these rogue governments, including this one you support? When will all your 'smart' technology turn on you? Modern war is here, and it is heinous and immoral, as is all war, but now it can be completely covert, sparing no one in its killing spree. I would not ask you to risk the lives of your family, but certainly you could abandon this evil government, not comply with orders and mandates, not vote for your own slavery, and call out every act of terror so that the lies of State will hold no weight. This you can do.
When your children and loved ones become the next target, it will be too late to reverse, and all your sobbing and pain will fall on deaf ears. In my humble opinion, we have little time left to change this course of evil that has consumed this world, and the killing has only just begun.
“To call genocide as self-defense, may be textbook diplomacy. Killing innocents to keep control, is an act of terrorist hypocrisy.” ~ Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family
Reference link:
"Israel's Infiltration of U.S. Tech"
Image Source: | A man carries a wounded Palestinian girl at the site of Israeli strikes on a house, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, October 11. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa
Original Article: https://garydbarnett.substack.com/p/zionist-israel-is-nothing-but-an
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