The Hackable COVID19 "Vaccinated"

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD |
As the internet of bodies becomes an ever increasing reality, there are some challenging questions that need to be asked. Perdue Institute College of Engineering launched its Center for Internet of Bodies (C-IoB), a new, emerging field that has been gaining global popularity in 2021. Preparations to manage the Internet of bodies have been underway for years now and are made everywhere. These people are talking about us, and the nanotechnology accessed within our bodies for the Internet of bio nano things.
Should The [covid vaccinated] Humans Be Declared As Critical Infrastructure By Department Of Homeland Security? How Do We Protect Augmented Humans From Being Hacked By Foreign Adversaries/Terrorists?
Purdue Engineering launches world's first Center for Internet of Bodies (C-IoB)
But it’s absolutely vital to make sure we fully understand who will protect the human from being hacked, particularly as biometric innovations are being introduced into literally every facet of our lives. - Toffler Associates 2016
I have been writing about the WEF 2020 statements regarding the Internet of bodies here:
In 2016, Toffler Associates published a paper, discussing the augmented human as a hackable entity that should be protected by homeland security as a critical national infrastructure. Why should this be reconsidered now?
We know from Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee - who worked at Pfizer as a Quality Manager and witnessed these events herself - that unlabelled bags of chemicals came from China and were put into the Pfizer COVID19 bioweapons. You can listen to our interview and her testimony regarding this here:
Glowing C19 Shots and Fluorescent Nanotechnology - Conversation With Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee - Truth, Science and Spirit, Ep 26
It is a worthy question to ask where exactly the data collected from the human beings who have the biosensor network in their blood is going. Was this an act of war from a foreign adversary like China? Did they put in the secret ingredients of the microchip self assembly or was it Ido Balanchet’s team from Israel who collaborated with Pfizer and discussed that he can put a thousand billion nanorobots into a syringe? Is the US data going to Israel? China? Private corporations?
Dr. Pedro Chavez team from COMUSAV in Mexico had intelligence officers track the frequency signal emitted from the MAC addresses from COVID 19 vaccinated individuals, and they were going to a private AI firm. We have tracked the frequency signal from implanted microchips in Targeted Individuals and some were going to a CIA spy plane. I have seen the frequency signature from Targeted Individuals leading to Crypto currency accounts were they were producing dividends for large corporations, the names of which you would recognize - and amounts of money generated per person that would make your head spin. This is the famous Microsoft patent 060606 that is verifiably active.

Cryptocurrency system using body activity data
Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.
Is the vaccinated US population biometric data currently used for cryptocurrency mining? What threat to national security does it pose if key individuals have hackable WBAN in them? Do these individuals know they are hackable or are they oblivious to the technology deployed that is in their body?
We know that efforts to use WBAN to monitor COVID patients happened internationally.
Remote Monitoring of COVID-19 Patients Using Multisensor Body Area Network Innovative System
The security challenges of WBAN use are recognized in the literature - drone surveillance for data capture has been suggested - who owns the data storage spaces?
A Perspective Review of Security Challenges in Body Area Networks for Healthcare Applications
Body area network (BAN) connects sensors and actuators to the human body in order to collect patient’s information and transmitting it to doctors in a confined space with limited users. wireless body area network (WBAN) is derived from wireless sensor networks (WSN) and enables to transfer of the patient's information with a wide range of communication due to the limitations of the wired body area network. It plays a vital role in healthcare monitoring, healthcare systems, medical field, sports field, and multimedia communication. Sensors and actuators lead to high energy consumption due to their tiny size. WBAN facilitates in securely storing patient information and transmitting it to the doctor without data loss at a specific time. This review examines and summarizes methodological approaches in WBAN relating to security, safety, reliability, and the fastest transmission. Flying body area networks (FBAN) utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles for data transmission are recommended to promote rapid and secure communication in WBAN. FBAN improve the security, scalability, and speed in order to transmit patient’s information to the doctor due to high mobility.
Nanorobot RFID surveillance has been discussed decades ago for Military “Medical” Defense purposes. But could it be used in offensive ways?
We also know that the COVID19 injections contained self assembly nanotechnology for wireless MAC address intrabody area network that were injected into the US population and we know that this technology sheds to the unvaccinated. I just learned from my colleague Dr Geanina Hagima that the IEEE sells MAC addresses. Did they sell the populations MAC addresses? If not them, who did? How did Professor Akyldiz know that the COVID19 mRNA’s are nano bio machines? Who programmed the machine?
Many Cybersecurity experts are concerned about China’s global takeover of the infrastructure of internet of things via drones and sensors. This has been recently discussed in relation to agricultural technologies. The geopolitical impact and risk is enormous:
China's infiltration into agricultural IoT (Internet of Things) networks represents a critical yet underexplored dimension of its global technological strategy. Through key players such as Huawei and Alibaba Cloud, Beijing has embedded IoT technologies into agricultural systems in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. These initiatives, often framed as development partnerships aimed at improving food production and supply chain resilience, concurrently enable the collection of extensive agricultural and environmental data with profound strategic and geopolitical implications.
What exactly came into those unmarked bags from China, and was it the surveillance self assembly nanotechnology?
If the doctors don’t want to address the self assembly nanotechnology in the human blood, should the US government investigate a possible warfare scenario in which bio and neuromodulation technology was injected into Americans? What if you can manipulate key players, politicians, government and military personnel via this implanted technology - which we know is absolutely possible due to its bidirectional telemetry capacity - meaning you can read the biometrics and write via frequency alteration and program the nanobots? We know that brain wave activity can be monitored by these nanobots as well, and it can be altered. If AI is collecting the biometric data of the US population - who owns and programmed that AI? Is it hostile or benevolent? If I can find these microrobots in common people what are the national security implications?
Video: COVID19 unvaccinated blood affected by shedding - microrobot swarm building mesogen microchips. AM Medical
This is why I want to share this 2016 paper by the Technocratic Toffler Association - if they suggested then that this technology in peoples body is worth national security infrastructure protection, should we not be worried about who can hack our population?
Bio-Digital Convergence: The Human as Critical Infrastructure?
Who are the Tofflers? They are technocratic transhumanists, they call themselves Futurists, who have paved the way of the future vision of humanity. I wrote about their books here:

Since the Toffler Associates were discussing humans as hackable critical infrastructure we now in 2025 have reached the tipping point of the 4th Industrial Revolution of Transhumanism - and this article becomes meaningful again. Any terrorist can hack into the intra body area network AI controlled human bots.
Video: COVID19 unvaccinated blood - microrobots self assemble a mesogen microchip Magnification 2000x. AM Medical
You can read more about the dangers of the enormous data collection via this system connected to your smart phone:
This is the Toffler article:
Are humans the next critical infrastructure sector?
Currently, humanity is being augmented or networked by somewhere around 14 billion connected devices and that number is increasing at an accelerating rate. The rate of growth implies a growing comfort with networked, wearable, and implanted devices – and our connectivity with them.
Over the past decade, our work has exposed us to some amazing human-integrated technology advances across a number of industries. We’ve seen need and a desire for longer, healthier lives driving many of the bio-digital developments that evolved quickly from bleeding-edge innovation to ubiquitous use. Implantable Internet of Things (IoT) devices like pacemakers, defibrillators, and insulin pumps are perfect examples – each external, electronic device has the potential to supplement or repair a deficiency that would otherwise shorten or even end someone’s life.
In a short amount of time, implantables and wearables have progressed far beyond these now commonplace technologies. At this point in our progress, we’ve moved to a new point in the Third Wave – Internet of Humans (IoH). We’re now thinking less about what forms IoT can take and more about how those tools have reshaped how we function, interact, and even exist.
Over the next decade, innovations will continue to streamline our lives, create greater insight into who we are as humans, and help us to know what is happening beneath our skin and inside our minds. And all will deepen our integration with technology, connecting us even more firmly within a bio-digital network.
- Artificial organs can be monitored and controlled remotely.
- Brain wave technologies that allow people to control their devices, simply by thinking about them.
- High tech e-skin (artificial skin) allows users to project and control their smartphone on their body.
- Smart tattoos and implantable RFID chips read and project body temperature and even emotions.
Already, we rely on enhanced biometric security to connect us to elements of IoT, smartphones, and computers. With this incredible progress and possibility for human connected technology to improve and extend lives comes the even greater potential for a threat like the ability for adversaries to manipulate these technologies.
To defeat the threat of tomorrow, we cannot afford to be reactive.
We tend to focus on the benefits of technological innovations – particularly those that solve fundamental human problems. But it’s absolutely vital to make sure we fully understand who will protect the human from being hacked, particularly as biometric innovations are being introduced into literally every facet of our lives.
Through conferences and client meetings, Toffler Associates has engaged in conversations with a variety of relevant experts from industry, academia, and government regarding both the potential and risk of implantable and wearable technologies. What we’ve heard is a general lack of consistency around how to weigh the potential benefits and risks of innovation.
In one conference, representatives from academia and the medical technology industry were discussing implantable medical technologies they were developing. These representatives explained that they don’t typically consider the possible vulnerabilities (i.e., hacking) that could accompany these emerging devices because their focus was on the life-saving roles these innovations promised.
In another, we discussed the ability of criminals and terrorists to attack parts of urban environments by remotely controlling or shocking people’s pacemakers and defibrillators. We also examined the threat of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices that can block all signals or destroy all electronics, including wearable and implantable devices, within set distances.
To combat tomorrow’s enemy, we need to develop a proactive approach that includes viewing the human as critical infrastructure.
Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) defines 16 sectors as Critical Infrastructure, including Dams, Water and Wastewater Systems, Communications, and Energy. As humans and technology become more deeply intertwined, we should consider the inclusion of a 17th Critical Infrastructure sector focused on protecting citizens against hacking and other manipulation that could put lives at risk.
As our society relies on a cyber foundation for our daily lives, we subject ourselves to dangerous, potentially life-threatening risks. As we literally link our bodies to this cyber foundation, we must look farther than the promise that prompted the innovation to enhance our understanding of the potential negative implications.
The digital infrastructure has been build in the recent years also in space: - which we know that Directed Energy Weapons are torturing Targeted Individual from Space stations. We know the global surveillance system of humans is tied to this infrastructure:
We know that nanorobots/ biosensors/ smart dust can be aerosolized, hence the digitization of all life:
There is a criminal side to the nanotechnology push as well:

Is there anybody is a position of power who can ask this question?
Who is making sure that American’s WBAN that has been deployed to everyone is not being hacked? The people who developed this are not. If people ignore the problem, how can we keep people safe while pushing forward the Internet of Bodies everywhere?
These questions need an answer. One first would have to admit that self assembly nanotechnology has been deployed in the COVID19 bioweapon.
Then the question should be asked: If the deployment of the COVID19 bioweapons was an act of war - who is now in control of the US and world’s population?
And whoever is in control now, did they win the war that most people did not know even happened at a nano level?
Shouldn’t “somebody” investigate this?
Image: Source
Original Article:
Note: Comments placed in [ ] are added by editor. For example; [Flu]

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